Friday, February 26, 2010

Zeroing in on an AV signature to bypass detection

I was watching some InfinityExists videos yesterday talking about bypassing AV detection by modifying the executable itself. I thought of writing an automated file chopper which will zero-in on the part which AV is detecting to be malicious. That way I can directly analyze the offset and do not have to manually find it ( for the most part ).

Script has 2 phases:

In Phase 1 it recursively chops up the files into smaller chunks divisible by 2 and figures out minimal set of bytes required to trigger AV.

For example:

Original File Size: 600
Derived File Sizes: 600->300->150....
Every chunk is scanned with ClamaV via Ruby library and the part that is "clean" is discarded.

Phase 2 is taking the last successful AV detected file chunk and makes it even smaller by shrinking with predefined increment.

File Size ( phase 1 ): 150
Increment: 10
Derivative File Sizes: 150->140->130 ...

This way we can get closer to the actual piece triggering the AV.

Sample Run with original file size of 37888 bytes and phase 2 increment of 100 bytes.

dimas@appdev1:~/Code/vira$ ./chopfile.rb -f /tmp/msf3/data/templates/template.exe
Positive: /tmp/X_0-18944: Worm.Palevo-1
Positive: /tmp/X_0-9472: Worm.Palevo-1
Positive: /tmp/X_0-4736: Worm.Palevo-1
Positive: /tmp/X_0-2368: Worm.Palevo-1

======== G R A P H ===========
Positive: /tmp/XA_0-2268: Worm.Palevo-1
Positive: /tmp/XA_0-2168: Worm.Palevo-1
Positive: /tmp/XA_0-2068: Worm.Palevo-1
Positive: /tmp/XA_0-1968: Worm.Palevo-1
Positive: /tmp/XA_0-1868: Worm.Palevo-1
Positive: /tmp/XA_0-1768: Worm.Palevo-1
Positive: /tmp/XA_0-1668: Worm.Palevo-1
Positive: /tmp/XA_0-1568: Worm.Palevo-1
End of 100 chain

======== G R A P H ===========

Some quick and dirty Ruby code.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'optparse'

require 'clamav'

def bin_chop(pos_A,pos_Z,fp)



        if splitmark <= 1




        fi.sysseek(pos_A, IO::SEEK_SET)


        fc1="/tmp/X_" + pos_A.to_s + "-" + splitmark.to_s

        , "wb:binary")




        if ( result != 0 )

            puts "Positive: #{fc1}: #{result}"






            # Negative - Delete!





            fc2="/tmp/X_" + splitmark.to_s + "-" + pos_Z.to_s

  , "wb:binary")





            if ( result != 0 )

                puts "Positive: #{fc2}: #{result}"




                # Negative - Delete!







def incr_chop(pos_A,pos_Z,fp,increment)




        fi.sysseek(pos_A, IO::SEEK_SET)


        fc1="/tmp/XA_" + pos_A.to_s + "-" + splitmark.to_s

        , "wb:binary")




        if ( result != 0 )

            puts "Positive: #{fc1}: #{result}"






            # Negative - Delete!

            puts "End of #{increment} chain"







meta =;

opts.on("-f", "--filepath VAL", String) {|val| meta[:fp]=val}


if ( !meta[:fp].nil? and ( File.exists?(meta[:fp]) and File.readable?(meta[:fp]) ))

    # Phase I


    puts "\n\t======== G R A P H ===========\n"


    files = Dir["X_*"]

    sorted = files.sort {|a,bFile.size(a) <=> File.size(b)}

    sorted.reverse.each_with_index do |fl,i|

        puts "\t\t|" + "-"*i + fl


    # Phase II



    puts "\n\t======== G R A P H ===========\n"


    files = Dir["XA_*"]

    sorted = files.sort {|a,bFile.size(a) <=> File.size(b)}

    sorted.reverse.each_with_index do |fl,i|

        puts "\t\t|" + "-"*i + fl




    puts "invalid"

    puts opts.to_s

    raise Exception
